International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2022, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part B
Influence of priming on germination of khirni seedlings (Manilkara hexandra L.)
Karan Bansode, SD Patil, Karishma Bansode and Karuna Bansode
The field trial was conducted at the Nursery and Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Dhule during 2021-22, to study the influence of priming on germination of khirni seedlings (Manilkara hexandra L.). The experiment was laid out in a Complete Randomized Block Design with ten treatments viz., T1 (GA3 @ 50ppm), T2 (GA₃ @ 75ppm), T3 (GA3 @ 100ppm), T4 (GA3 @ 200ppm), T5 (NAA @ 100ppm), T6 (KNO3 @ 1%), T7 (Cow urine @ 10%), T8 (Cow urine 100%), T9 (Cow dung slurry) and T10 Control (Distilled Water) with three replications. The treatment T4 (GA3 @ 200ppm) resulted, the minimum days required for germination (30.33), however maximum number of seedlings germinate (42.33) at 15 days after sowingand germination percentage (84.67%) at 15 days after sowing observed in the treatment T9 (cow dung slurry). Hence, it can be concluded that, the cow dung slurry were beneficial for increasing germination parameters as compared to other treatments under Khandesh region of Maharashtra.