International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2025, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part B
Microbiological quality of Shrikhand during refrigerated storage (5 2°C)
Amit Kumar Barman and Anju Paul
Shrikhand was prepared from the base material\r\nchakka and its storage study was done for refrigerated condition (5\r\n±20C)\r\nusing two types of cultures Lactococcus lactis sub sp. cremoris R6\r\n(S1) and Lactobacillus bulgaricus W + Streptococcus\r\nthermophilus H (S5). It was observed that the standard plate\r\ncount of shrikhand showed increasing trend upto 20 days for the samples stored\r\nat refrigerated temperature. Yeast and mould counts exhibited the same type of\r\nobservation. No coliform was found in the shrikhand samples. The thermophilic,\r\nthermoduric and psychrotrophic counts of shrikhand prepared by S1\r\nand S5 cultures\r\nseparately, increase significantly as the storage days proceeds in the storage\r\nat refrigerated condition. Shrikhand stored at refrigerated condition showed\r\nsignificant increase in acidity upto 50 days but it was\r\nnot organoleptically acceptable after 50 days of storage.