International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2025, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part B
Path analysis studies in red onion
Prajwal Ghodeswar, RS Wankhade, VS Kale, AM Sonkamble and Sonali Wankhade
The present study on\r\n“Path analysis studies in red onion” was undertaken on forty five genotypes of onion\r\nin Randomized Block Design with three replications during rabi season of\r\n2022- 2023 at Department of Vegetable Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,\r\nAkola to find out path coefficient of direct and indirect effect of yield contributing\r\ncharacters on bulb yield of red onion. The path coefficient analysis revealed that,\r\nthe characters like equatorial bulb diameter (10.46432) and bulb shape index (4.5347)\r\nexhibited very high and positive direct effect on total bulb yield/ha. High direct\r\npositive effect on total bulb yield was imposed by neck thickness (0.7571), bolting\r\npercent (0.54342), days to maturity (0.45069) and average bulb weight (0.438).
Prajwal Ghodeswar, RS Wankhade, VS Kale, AM Sonkamble, Sonali Wankhade. Path analysis studies in red onion. Int J Hortic Food Sci 2025;7(1):106-108. DOI: 10.33545/26631067.2025.v7.i1b.252