International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2025, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part B
Effect of Pusa hydrogel and plant growth regulators on growth, yield and quality parameters of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Dutch.) cv. Chandler
Shailandra Vikram Singh
The present study\r\nwas carried out in the year 2021-22 in Central Research farm, Department of Horticulture,\r\nShri Durga Ji Post Graduate College, Chandeshwar, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. The\r\nexperiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design with 27 treatments\r\nreplicated thrice. The treatments were T0 (Control), T1 (Pusa\r\nhydrogel-30 gram), T2 (Pusa hydrogel -60 gram), T3 (Cycocel (600 ppm)), T4 (Cycocel (1200 ppm)), T5 (Triacontanol (120\r\nppm)), T6 (Triacontanol (170 ppm)), T7 (Cycocel (600 ppm) + Pusa hydrogel-30 gram), T8 (Cycocel (600 ppm) + Pusa hydrogel -60 gram), T9 (Cycocel (1200 ppm) + Pusa hydrogel-30 gram), T10 (Cycocel (1200 ppm)+ Pusa hydrogel -60 gram), T11 (Triacontanol (120 ppm) + Pusa hydrogel -30 gram), On the basis of our\r\nfinding it was found that treatment T11 (Triacontanol (120 ppm) + Pusa hydrogel -30 gram) was found to be best in\r\nthe terms of Plant height, no. of leaves, plant spread, petiole length, leaf\r\nlength, leaf width, leaf area, chlorophyll content, leaf nutrient, days taken\r\nto first flower, flowers per plant, days taken to first fruit, fruit length,\r\nfruit width, fruit set %, fruit yield/plant.
Shailandra Vikram Singh. Effect of Pusa hydrogel and plant growth regulators on growth, yield and quality parameters of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Dutch.) cv. Chandler. Int J Hortic Food Sci 2025;7(1):109-112. DOI: 10.33545/26631067.2025.v7.i1b.253