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International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
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P-ISSN: 2663-1067, E-ISSN: 2663-1075
International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
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International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2021, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A
Studies on hydro chemical characters of ground water in Sabratha region

Alansary Refat Elkhouly, Husen Elbashir Shafsha and Shaily Halab

Assessment of Chemical components in ground water used for drinking and irrigation purposes in Sabratha region were carried out. Samples were collected from 30 wells supplying drinking and irrigation water to the inhabitants in the region. All samples were analyzed for 20 parameters (PH), TDS, Conductivity, Salinity %,SO4 --,Cl-,T.H (CaCO3),Ca. as CaCO3,Mg. CaCO3,Alkalinity, HCO3-,NO2-,NO-3,NH4+,Ca ++,Mg++,PO4++,T, Na+, K+,Fe recording (7.3145, 1067.015, 3.86%, 271.5275, 323.515,687.4435, 0.5565,129.996,75.523,0.457,0.1035,0.111,165.9015,71.7785, 1.13935,46.386, 161.8925,3.964, 0.281) respectively. On the other hand, HCO3, NO-3, NH4+,Ca ++ and, Mg++ recorded an acceptable pi index values for standard quality with (0.251743, 0.0023, 0.074, 0.829508 and,0.478523). All studied parameters recorded a positive correlation coefficient values (r) with the well depth except turbidity and NO-3 with (-0.40595 and -0.44572 respectively). The mean molar ratios for (Na+/Cl-,Ca2+ /Mg+2, Na+/K+, Ca2+/SO4+2,Mg+2/Cl- and HCO3-/Cl-) recorded (0.498159 ± 0.21546, 2.495585 ± 0.812503, 31.62218 ± 31.84079, 1.02488 ± 1.443147, 0.204791± 0.151537 and, 3.960664 ± 3.259324) while r values for the former molar ratios and the well depth recorded (0.015584, -0.07644, 0.084268, -0.02134, 0.276538 and 0.336213).
Conclusion: HCO3, NO-3, NH4+,Ca ++ and, Mg++ recorded an acceptable pi index values for standard quality with (0.251743, 0.0023, 0.074, 0.829508 and,0.478523). All studied parameters recorded a positive correlation coefficient values (r) with the well depth except turbidity and NO-3 with (-0.40595 and -0.44572 respectively). On the other hand, an acceptable molar ratios were recorded only for Ca2+/SO4+2 (1.02488 ± 1.443147). all estimated molar ratios recorded a psotive correlation coefficient values with the well depth except Ca2+ /Mg+2 and Ca2+/SO4+2 with (-0.07644 and, -0.02134). It is concluded that, an adequate and suitable treatment must be applied to the wells having elevated concentrations of the metals and supplying drinking water to the consumers.
Pages : 51-59 | 1199 Views | 522 Downloads

International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
How to cite this article:
Alansary Refat Elkhouly, Husen Elbashir Shafsha, Shaily Halab. Studies on hydro chemical characters of ground water in Sabratha region. Int J Hortic Food Sci 2021;3(1):51-59. DOI: 10.33545/26631067.2021.v3.i1a.64
International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
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