International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A
Quality characteristics of jam from pineapple, cucumber and Jathropha
Lilian Blanco and Thippi Thiagarajan
Production of jams is one of the preserving techniques to extend whole fruit utilization. Fruits are constituents and important sources of bioactive components, therefore their mixed Jams from various fruits, can be a proper solution against degenerative chronic diseases. In the present study, physiochemical and sensory properties of mixed jam from pineapple fruit, Jathropha leaves and cucumber fruit were evaluated. Mixed jam were prepared by sorting, washing, and blending different ratios of apple, cucumber and jathropa (T1(85:10:5), T2 (80:10:10), T3 (75:10:15), and T4(70:10:20) respectively. The obtained results on proximate includes moisture content, protein values, ash cotnent, fat content, crude fiber and carbohydrate values which ranged from 3.83-15.61% moisture content, 0.06-0.707% protein, 0.014-0.110% Ash,0.023-0.145% fat, 0.123-0.592% crde fibre and 83.25-96.14% carbohydrate value respectively. The minerals contents includes calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and iron and ranged from 1.87-2.87mg for Ca, 0.03-0.10mg for Zn, 0.11-0.7mg for Mg, 0.12-0.61mg for K, 1.78-2.59mg for Na and 0.10-0.67mg for Fe respectively. Vitamin C and Beta carotene were evaluated and reported thus; 691.35-436.95mg/100g and 0.73-1.44mg/100g respectively. The results from sensory attributes and physiochemical properties reveal rich mixed jam product from pinneaple fruits, jathropha leaves and cocumber fruit. T4,sample ratio portrayed the most acceptable jam product.
Lilian Blanco, Thippi Thiagarajan. Quality characteristics of jam from pineapple, cucumber and Jathropha. Int J Hortic Food Sci 2021;3(2):11-15. DOI: 10.33545/26631067.2021.v3.i2a.67