International Journal of Horticulture and Food Science
2022, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B
Prediction of spider mite outbreaks and control methods
Rahmonov Ahliddin Habibullaevich and Sharipov Shavkat Xujamurotovich
In the article Apple is one of the most cultivated crops in the world, with an annual production of almost 58 billion tons. It consists of a total of 261.8 thousand hectars in the territory of Uzbekistan. 120,500 hectares are seed orchards; apple orchards make up 95% of all orchards. This shows that apple orchards make up 44% of the total orchard area. The apple tree ranks high due to its adaptability to various soil and climatic conditions, as well as its high productivity and nutritional value as an economic raw material. Agrotechnical activities in horticulture are as follows. Cutting off branches that have dried up due to pests and diseases. Constantly shaping and pruning trees, carrying out rejuvenation activities, and picking fruits that have fallen due to disease and damage. Working between garden rows.Mechanical method. This method includes activities such as cutting off dead parts of trees, putting different types of trapping devices on trees, keeping the surroundings of garden areas clean, and removing pests from the bark of trees. Treating tree trunks with lime water, etc., is effective in preventing pest infestations.